- I love when I am able to look back and pinpoint an exact prayer at an exact time and then look forward to the exact moment when that prayer was answered. This picture demonstrates that three times over.
New Years Eve, 2006--my parent's den.
November 8, 2012--our breakfast nook.
March 28, 2017--the frozen food section of
Target. - I really want to be eloquent right now. I really want to be poetic and use lovely words, but I am so overwhelmed by the love of God and so humbled by the role He has chosen for me in this life, that I am at a loss for words that aren't raw and honest and plain.
I am the wife of the best man I've ever met. Hands down. He is Godly. He is honest. He is real. He is kind. He is the best friend I waited my whole life for.
I am mama to the most incredible little girl God ever made. She is sassy. She is wicked smart. She wears her heart on her sleeve. She is compassionate. And boy oh boy is she silly. I've never belly laughed with anyone else in my life the way I laugh with her.
And as of Tuesday, the sweetest, cuddliest little boy ever calls me mama. He has the best smile I've ever seen. He's a thinker. He doesn't hug; he squeezes. His first sentence was "I love you, mom." And that brings tears to my eyes every time I think about it.
There is nothing I could've ever done--no good deed, no monumental task-- to deserve this life, to deserve these titles. Yet still they call me wife and mama. The greatest part about that, though, is I don't serve a God who waits for my performance to bless. Who doesn't rely on my goodness to bestow good gift after good gift. I do serve a God who loves me unconditionally. Who gives freely to His children. Who is creative in His expression.
I never could have imagined the life I have now. I look around at the Matchbox cars and doll bottles on the living room floor that I've already picked up a dozen times today, the size 12 boots in the hall next to the ice scraper I'll never use because he takes care of those kinds of things, and the dining room table , covered right now with crafts and glitter and magic markers, but tonight will be set for four. I am overwhelmed with thanksgiving, with gratitude, and with praise to the God who made this happen and continues to make happen what I don't even have the creativity to dream. To HIM be the glory for this.
Ephesians 3:20-2120 Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, 21 to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.