Hello Blogworld,
I've been asked to write a post for this blog to let people know what adoption is about. Let me take a moment to introduce myself.
A lot of years ago, I was born in Seoul, South Korea, and was adopted to New Jersey at four months of age. This was clearly an act of God's great mercy because I am the world's worst Asian--don't like rice (or a plethora of other Korean food), so-so at math, terrible at photography. I have even been asked not to return to Korean language classes--true story. I was a part of the second wave of Korean adoptees, the first being Amerasians born out of the war.
I grew up in South Jersey where my siblings and I were THE racial diversity in our town. There are four of us, all adopted from Korea, and none of us "real" brothers and sisters. (We get that question a lot, even as adults.) Of my siblings, I am the only one who has been back to Korea for a visit.
So, what is adoption about? It's pretty simple, actually. It's about people who want to be parents...it's an ADditional OPTION for people who want to be parents. It's not a second choice, one that comes to mind when people can't have their "own" children; it's not a noble calling, one that makes adoptive parents more special than "regular" parents; it's not an act of charity, one that earns you more honor or crowns in Heaven. And, yes, I've truly heard all of these things said about my parents.
Adoption is another way to grow a family, plain and simple. God commanded us to "be fruitful and multiply" and to "care for orphans and widows." There is no hierarchy, neither of those instructions supersedes the other. They are both important or He wouldn't have given them. And how cool is it that God offers a variety of ways to fulfill what He asks of us?
And that's my introduction. I'm a pretty open book. There's not much I haven't been asked, thought about, or read about, so feel free to comment or ask any questions. Thanks for reading.
I've been asked to write a post for this blog to let people know what adoption is about. Let me take a moment to introduce myself.
A lot of years ago, I was born in Seoul, South Korea, and was adopted to New Jersey at four months of age. This was clearly an act of God's great mercy because I am the world's worst Asian--don't like rice (or a plethora of other Korean food), so-so at math, terrible at photography. I have even been asked not to return to Korean language classes--true story. I was a part of the second wave of Korean adoptees, the first being Amerasians born out of the war.
I grew up in South Jersey where my siblings and I were THE racial diversity in our town. There are four of us, all adopted from Korea, and none of us "real" brothers and sisters. (We get that question a lot, even as adults.) Of my siblings, I am the only one who has been back to Korea for a visit.
So, what is adoption about? It's pretty simple, actually. It's about people who want to be parents...it's an ADditional OPTION for people who want to be parents. It's not a second choice, one that comes to mind when people can't have their "own" children; it's not a noble calling, one that makes adoptive parents more special than "regular" parents; it's not an act of charity, one that earns you more honor or crowns in Heaven. And, yes, I've truly heard all of these things said about my parents.
Adoption is another way to grow a family, plain and simple. God commanded us to "be fruitful and multiply" and to "care for orphans and widows." There is no hierarchy, neither of those instructions supersedes the other. They are both important or He wouldn't have given them. And how cool is it that God offers a variety of ways to fulfill what He asks of us?
And that's my introduction. I'm a pretty open book. There's not much I haven't been asked, thought about, or read about, so feel free to comment or ask any questions. Thanks for reading.