Not easily discouraged from our goal to add to our family, most of you know that we update our home study on a yearly basis. This past December marked our 5th update and renewal. It's not a quick process; it's not an easy process; it's not a cheap process. But it is so very important.
Still waiting on fingerprints, background checks, and our home study to finalize and be approved (yep, it's gotta be approved each year as if it were the first time all over again...), on Friday we decided to take a step even though the bridge under us is a little shaky at the moment.
We drove out to Reading, PA--about a 2 hour trip--to attend an adoption open house where we met with countless agencies that are both state and privately run. We talked with no less than two dozen case managers who introduced us to hundreds of profiles for waiting children and discussed what situations would work best for them and for our family. And we left with a bag full of information and minds and souls even more determined to adopt again.
And that night, we heard from our own case manager that our fingerprints and background checks had finally come in; our home study should be done next week.
Pray for us!
Still waiting on fingerprints, background checks, and our home study to finalize and be approved (yep, it's gotta be approved each year as if it were the first time all over again...), on Friday we decided to take a step even though the bridge under us is a little shaky at the moment.
We drove out to Reading, PA--about a 2 hour trip--to attend an adoption open house where we met with countless agencies that are both state and privately run. We talked with no less than two dozen case managers who introduced us to hundreds of profiles for waiting children and discussed what situations would work best for them and for our family. And we left with a bag full of information and minds and souls even more determined to adopt again.
And that night, we heard from our own case manager that our fingerprints and background checks had finally come in; our home study should be done next week.
Pray for us!