If you're following this blog, then you pretty much know our story. It's a good one, and so many of you have wept, laughed, wept again, and now stand in amazement with us at the life we are honored to live. It brings me to tears every single time I think about the blessings of my husband, such a wonderful, Godly, beautiful man, and the larger than life, unbelievable little sprite that calls me mama. She's well past four now, and I still get teary-eyed and then ugly cry when I think of how much I love her. She's just that awesome.
The story of how we've become a family together is no less than miraculous, and I always tell people, if you want to hear it, just know that I can't tell it without grafting God throughout the entire tale; and that, by far, is my favorite part.
A few months ago, however, it really hit me that so many already know our story; so many have been a part of it, have witnessed it first or secondhand, and they know how powerfully God's hand moved in our lives. While it never really gets old, in most of our circles, we don't need to tell it anymore. And that realization just about broke my heart. I don't ever want to stop telling how good God is and what mountains He's moved in our lives. So I took the cue of my toddler (see post below), raised my hands and asked the Lord to continue our story, to give us a new chapter where we can praise Him and shout to high heaven (literally and figuratively) of His goodness.
And so, in true God-fashion, on a random Thursday afternoon at a Goodwill in Iowa (yup, Iowa), I got a phone call about a situation. That phone call led to some pretty intense interaction which grew to a last minute, get-in-your-car-NOW-and-drive-100-miles-to-get-a-baby trip up the turnpike. (And no, I didn't make a bit of that up.)
And so, while I can't divulge all of the details just yet, let me loudly, proudly, and crazily declare that God indeed is NOT done with our plot line. There are another few chapters in the works, and once again, I will not be able to tell a page of it without weaving God throughout the entire story. I can't wait to share it with you! For now, here's a little sneak peek:
The story of how we've become a family together is no less than miraculous, and I always tell people, if you want to hear it, just know that I can't tell it without grafting God throughout the entire tale; and that, by far, is my favorite part.
A few months ago, however, it really hit me that so many already know our story; so many have been a part of it, have witnessed it first or secondhand, and they know how powerfully God's hand moved in our lives. While it never really gets old, in most of our circles, we don't need to tell it anymore. And that realization just about broke my heart. I don't ever want to stop telling how good God is and what mountains He's moved in our lives. So I took the cue of my toddler (see post below), raised my hands and asked the Lord to continue our story, to give us a new chapter where we can praise Him and shout to high heaven (literally and figuratively) of His goodness.
And so, in true God-fashion, on a random Thursday afternoon at a Goodwill in Iowa (yup, Iowa), I got a phone call about a situation. That phone call led to some pretty intense interaction which grew to a last minute, get-in-your-car-NOW-and-drive-100-miles-to-get-a-baby trip up the turnpike. (And no, I didn't make a bit of that up.)
And so, while I can't divulge all of the details just yet, let me loudly, proudly, and crazily declare that God indeed is NOT done with our plot line. There are another few chapters in the works, and once again, I will not be able to tell a page of it without weaving God throughout the entire story. I can't wait to share it with you! For now, here's a little sneak peek: